What is a Regenerator?  What’s it’s definition?  In a VERY BASIC nutshell, a Regenerator is a self-initiating practitioner of regenerative agriculture; a regenerative farmer.

But there’s a lot more to it than just that. 

Before we get into more of what a Regenerator is, I’ve got a couple of serious questions for you. 

Firstly, are you unsatisfied with where you are at right now? 

With your quality of life? Are you truly happy with your current job and home?

Are you pleased with the state of the earth around you, or your farm? 

Secondly, if you were to die today (heaven forbid you do, but hey, everyone dies at some point) what would your friends and family say about who you were? 

What legacy did you leave behind? Would you be proud of your legacy? 

“A legacy is a part of a person that lives on long after that person has passed. A legacy also leaves behind the story of a person so they are not forgotten. Legacies are important path ways [for] the future to follow or to be guided by in order to make better decisions in life. “Source

What’s YOUR Legacy?

At the end of your life, how do you want to look back on your legacy, the life you led, and the impact you had?  

Would you be the person thinking: 

“Man, I should’ve done more. 

I should have achieved X goals, or tried some of those dreams I had in the back of my head. 

I wonder what xyz would have turned out like if I had chased it. 

Well shucks, I should’ve tried for better in my relationships, my life, my impact on future generations, etc.” 

Or, by contrast, would you rather be the person thinking this:

“You know, I’ve led a pretty darn good life. 

I feel good about what I accomplished. 

I had a wonderful quality of life.  I’m happy of where I went.

I chased my dreams and gave them a shot, and I’m leaving the world a better place for the future.”

So which would you rather have; regret, or satisfaction

Right now, you’re probably not where you want to be in life.  Your legacy may not be something that you’re happy to leave behind. 

But that’s ok! How could you have begun building your ideal quality of life and legacy when you didn’t know how to go about it? 


But guess what – there’s good news!  You CAN enjoy your life! You CAN build an admirable legacy for yourself!

Friend, you don’t need to stay in the 9-5 urban rat race.  You don’t need a college degree to make a living (say what??!!).  And you don’t need a ton of money.  Your farm doesn’t have to lose profits and productivity. 

If you’re looking to leave behind a legacy that you’re proud of, while living a quality of life that you truly love and are passionate about, NOW is the time to start. 

 Now is the time to become a new you!

And you can start by becoming a Regenerator. 

Well, how is that?  We’ll get there in a second!

Become a Regenerator!
Become a REGENERATOR! Image by Isaiah Jordan. ~The Regenerative Farmer~

What EXACTLY IS a Regenerator? 

Just what is a Regenerator? 

First and foremost, a Regenerator is a self-initiating practitioner of regenerative agriculture.  A Regenerator is a regenerative farmer.

What is regenerative agriculture?  

In short, it’s a system of farming that works with the patterns, principles, and systems of nature. 

Decisions on how to manage a farm are made from a holistic perspective to enhance the health and well-being of everything involved in the ecosystem. 

The objective of regenerative agriculture is not to degrade, or even sustain the ecosystem – but rather to REGENERATE IT.  To make it healthier and bring a new, ever growing, and positive CHANGE

Ecosystems that have regenerative ag correctly applied see higher yields, new health and vigor, strong resilience to extreme weather and conditions, and nutrient dense products.  

But it’s not just being a regenerative farmer that makes a Regenerator special. 

A Regenerator has quite a few qualities.  The best way to illustrate these qualities is to insert and explain THE REGENERATOR’S MANIFESTO.  

As we’ll soon see, many of these qualities are linked together, and at some points may seem a little repetitive.  Keep in mind that REPETITION is GOOD.  Without repetition, we would never master anything!  

But before we begin, we need to touch on one core principle of being a Regenerator: Taking Responsibility/Initiative. 

This doesn’t mean that you are at fault for any past decisions that may have negative effects now…

I mean, how would you have been able to know better if you didn’t know about taking initiative for the direction of your life?

Your lack of knowing just how powerful your mind is – (your mind’s ability to determine what outcomes you see in your life) – has been keeping you from the change you need!

After we’ve gone through WHAT it means to be a Regenerator, you’ll have the core key principles of becoming one…effectively changing your life forever…creating a healthy, enjoyable quality of life, and building yourself a powerful legacy. 

So, without further ado, let’s break down these qualities, shall we? 

The Regenerator's Manifesto

A Regenerator is a self-initiating practitioner of regenerative agriculture. 

Notice how it states “self-initiating.”  What that means is that a Regenerator takes responsibility for having control over the direction of his/her own life, farm, and circumstances. 

When Regenerators take initiative, they actively seek out ideas, concepts, communities and practices that will enhance their quality of life.

Implementing regenerative agriculture is a huge part of having a positive impact in the lives of Regenerators and those around them. 

Regenerators bring about NEW and POSITIVE change – in their lives, on their farms, and in the world around them. 

This is also very much linked to the above statement.  Because Regenerators take initiative for their lives, they will attract and find that NEW and POSITIVE change they’ve been looking for.  What you target, you hit. 

Regenerators also deeply care for the health of their land and ecosystem. They strive to create health and vigor in the earth around them to give a quality environment for later generations to thrive in.

A Regenerator is open to new ideas and different opinions.  

One of the key qualities of a Regenerator is his/her ability to consider different ideas and opinions…even if they seem totally coo-coo at first.  Without this trait, it is impossible to bring positive change, be resilient, and have a good quality of life. 

A Regenerator seeks to find his/her desired change out of his/her own unique situation.

Farming is NOT easy. 

Everybody has different backgrounds, advantages, opportunities, experiences, problems, climates, and ecosystems. 

A Regenerator doesn’t gripe, whine or complain about his/hers or others unique situations. Instead, a Regenerator takes ownership of his/her own distinctive circumstances, and focuses to bring change out of it.  

It is by this that a Regenerator realizes that it’s up to the individual to make the best out of their own unique situation. 

Regenerators are RESILIENT.

As a farmer, a Regenerator is going to face many difficulties in life – whether it’s related to weather, management, disease, economic, or personal life factors. 

Farming requires a healthy dose of stubbornness, and a Regenerator has got plenty!  A Regenerator is a survivor, is tough as nails, and doesn’t easily give up. 

Regenerators take full responsibility for their own feelings, happiness, decisions, and quality of life.  They don’t sit on their hands and whine about their life or choices, and they don’t wait around for someone else to make it happen for them. 

Again, this is linked to taking initiative and responsibility in a Regenerator’s life. 

Regenerators accept that they are responsible for their own lives and life decisions.

A Regenerator actively seeks to PURGE ALL AND ANY VICTIM or NEGATIVE MENTALITIES that he/she may have. Those negative mentalities hold a Regenerator back from seeing and bringing positive change into his/her life. 

A Regenerator embraces FAILURE. 

This may seem counterintuitive at first, but here’s why: failure, when it happens to an initiative person, causes CHANGE. 

A Regenerator values failure because it gives him/her feedback on their actions.  A failure is a LEARNING opportunity!

  Regenerators accept failures because they can learn from them, and they use those to bring about positive change.  

A Regenerator focuses on the positive in life. 

“Happy is as Happy Does.”  Just as a negative mindset draws unhappiness and poor success, a positive mindset puts the mind in a state of advancing toward positive results.

What you target and focus on, you hit.  Likewise, Regenerators choose to focus on the positive in life, so that they initiate, create, and attract the quality of life they desire. 

This isn’t to say that we should be ignorant of stressful topics in our society, but if they get to the point where your thoughts about them are influencing your daily life and affecting your long term success (and are not a rising threat to your freedom and quality of life), cut them out. 


“If all we do is concentrate and converse about things beyond our sphere of influence, we’ll eventually wear out, burn out, and descend into depression.” – Stephen Covey

A Regenerator is ALWAYS learning. 

Regenerators are always learning things to bring the desired change that they want to see into their lives; whether it’s through studying others’ work and materials, or getting feedback through their daily activities.  

A Regenerator looks at and manages from a holistic perspective.  

Our whole world as we know it is intricately connected. 

Each and every element has influence over some other element.  Period.

We as humans have done a very poor job recognizing this critical factor, and it reflects in our management of the earth. 

A Regenerator realizes that we cannot manage from the orthodox way of making decisions without catastrophic long term consequences – some of which are a poor quality of life and a degraded environment. 

Instead, a Regenerator seeks to make and manage decisions based on a holistic perspective. This brings the desired alteration that they (and and those around them) need to lead quality lives.

Regenerators understand that everything has a purpose. 

A Regenerator values the fact that everything in the natural world has a purpose.  Weeds, pests, diseases, and predators all serve necessary functions and have their places on our farms. 

Regenerators understand the gravity of their decision-making. 

A Regenerator realizes that the decisions we make on a daily basis have influential consequences. He/she also realizes that it’s up to the individual to determine whether those consequences will bring positive change or negative catastrophes. 

Regenerators find utter delight in interacting with the intricacies and processes of the natural world.

Regenerators LOVE their work and what they get to do on a daily basis. They find inexpressible contentment working and living with the natural elements surrounding them. 

Regenerators don’t allow what other people say or think about them to stop or hinder their progress. 

People can be extremely critical, degrading, and – unfortunately – powerfully influential.

A Regenerator chooses to ignore and block out those negative influences in his/her life so that he/she can create the change that he/she wants to see. 

Regenerators are proud of what they do and the legacy that they leave behind.

Regenerators realize that what they do is critical to the well-being and long term health of humanity and the earth we inhabit. 

A Regenerator creates health and vigor in the landscape and community surrounding him/her to leave a prosperous earth for future generations. 

A Regenerator loves the quality of life that he/she gets to lead on a daily basis.

He/she wakes up loving what he/she gets to do and the quality of life he/she has. 

Regenerators feel grateful, empowered, and look forward to the future that they continue to work towards.

A Regenerator is proud of the legacy that he/she leaves behind. 

So – that’s what a Regenerator is and does. 

Regenerators bring positive transformation…in their lives…on their farms…in their ecosystem…in their communities…on the earth… 

And they leave behind vital hope.  

Now the question remains…

What will YOUR LIFE, YOUR LEGACY, look like?



“95% of people are imitators, while only 5% are initiators.” – Cavett Robert

If you’ve made it this far, you’ve got something special.  

You have HUGE POTENTIAL, my friend!!






NOW – (here’s where the disclaimer comes in. 😉 ) whether you choose to become a Regenerator and change your life or not – You now know that your actions and mindset determine your level of success.  

The beans have been spilled, boss!!

****This means that you are no longer in the “Doesn’t Know Better” category.****  


****YOU ARE THE AUTHOR OF YOUR LIFE STORY (And God edits as appropriate 🙂 ).**** 

****This means FROM HERE FORWARD, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR LIFE, REGARDLESS OF THE CONSEQUENCES…Whether you choose to take advantage of this knowledge or not.****

Only 5% of people are initiators…ARE YOU ONE OF THEM??

It’s up to you IN THIS MOMENT, my friend, to take that first step to bring positive change. To construct your desired quality of life.  To set an effective legacy.  

Is Becoming a Regenerator Right for You?

***The title of a Regenerator is not for lazy people.***  

HEADS UP: A Regenerator is a regenerative FARMER. 

Yes, I said FARMER.  The job of a FARMER is NOT EASY.  

(If you’re already one, you know what I mean!! Kudos to ya, mate!)

As with all businesses, farming has fluctuating cycles – one day life is great, you’ve got a booming market, and you’re loving every minute of it – and the next day it falls on its face.

The market changed.  The cows are dropping dead.

The tomatoes are rotting.  Hail destroyed the crop.  

We shouldn’t be surprised when these cycles occur – are we surprised when it gets cold in the winter?

It’s because of those downward cycles that make farming tough.  

Farming is hard, grueling, stressful, frustrating, devastating at times, requires extra hours, can demand long days, and needs extreme devotion.  

This is not a 9-5 job; you’re on call 24/7. 

Is it all flowers and fairy dust? Heck no! 

Is it all doom and gloom? Hell naw. 

Farming is like a beautiful rose – it has it’s thorns; It’s just that those thorns can be awful big, plentiful, and painful on that rose. 

Consider this CAREFULLY before you commit to becoming one. 


BUT – if you:

  1.  Love the outdoors (and don’t mind working in the periodic ungodly weather)
  2. Find an unhealthy addiction/satisfaction or desire to work with plants, earth and/or animals 😉
  3. Don’t mind hard work
  4. Have the grit of a honey badger to accomplish your long-term goals
  5. Want to leave behind a positive and impactful legacy
  6. Don’t have anyone to share your passion of regenerative agriculture with
  7. And agree with The Regenerator’s Manifesto…

…Then welcome to the club! 

How to Become a Regenerator

Are you ready to start seeing positive change in your life? Ready to start building an awesomely powerful legacy for yourself?!

Then let’s GO!!

Step #1: COMMIT. 

The first initiative step that must be taken is to commit.  Commit to attaining that new and positive change in your life…commit to building a noble legacy…commit to regenerating the earth. 


Set realistic goals and create plans to achieve them.  Join communities, groups, and movements that resonate with your values and desired outcome.  Learn as much as you can so that you can reach your goals!


Do you want to identify as a Regenerator?  Want to join a group specifically FOR Regenerators? 

Sign up and you can have access to :

The Regenerator’s Manifesto (wallpapers for desktop and mobile, plus a digital file of the poster version that you can print) + EXCLUSIVE ACCESS TO “THE REGENERATIVE FARMERS” Facebook Group FOR FREE.*

*(At this time, access to the Facebook Group is only available to those who’ve signed up for the manifesto)

What would it cost you to NOT commit to a new and positive change?? 

If you could go back to this moment 30 years from now, would you commit?

First and foremost, you’re going to be stuck where you are now…not where you want to be, not chasing after those dreams in the back of your head, and not finding satisfaction with your life. 

The condition of your farm and the earth will only be as good as it is right now…if you’re doing something right you might be able to get away without it degrading too terribly…(chances are, you won’t). 

Secondly, you’d have to kiss your legacy goodbye.

You wouldn’t have built a better world for the future. 

You would have been a consumer, a parasite, and a leech of the earth – without giving anything positive in return. 

Plus, you would’ve missed out on all the excitement of being a Regenerator. 😉

Is that all that worth never changing?

As we went over earlier…only 5% of the population are initiators. 5%!  

If you’re unhappy with your quality of life, your legacy, and the state of the earth and/or your farm, NOW’S YOUR CHANCE AT REDEMPTION. 


Right now is your opportunity to join ranks with the 5%. 


People say that the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago…and the second best time is today.  

The same applies for setting up the direction in which we want our lives go.

Let’s transform the world. 

Let’s transform YOU.

Welcome to the family.  I’ll see you inside. 

Now get on out there and regenerate.

Until next time, fellow Regenerator!

Isaiah J.